Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Most seamstresses seem to have helper kitties.

I have a helper goggie!

Also notice that the enormous stack of fabric is gone from my chair! ;) Many thanks to both dragonfly_sidhe and bodice_goddess for helping me with my sewing room! ;)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Holy Macaroni....I love this place!

DeVere Yarns is the best, ever!! I seriously, seriously <3 them with my itty bitty heart. I barely had time to fondle my purchases last night (no pics, yet!) before I went to bed.

This is one of those places that has so much *stuff* that I want, but I don't have any good reference for the sizes/colors listed, (mostly because I need to educate myself of such things) so it's something that I would just about kill to have a brick 'n mortar version to browse through.

At any rate, if anyone has silk embroidery to do, I cannot recomment highly enough their silk embroidery thread. It is to *DIE FOR*....so lustrous and deep and verrah, verrah sexay.

Silk Embroidery Thread

So, I lied.....the 1200 is pretty much exactly the same as a regurlar skein of DMC.
Silk top, DMC bottom

It's not just the pictures, the floss really is that lustrous!!