bodice_goddess took me to breakfast at the famous"Pantry Cafe" in LA. The food is absolutely fabulous!
I needed the fortitude for a mini fabric shopping trip in the garment district. I ended up with a whole bag of really awesome buttons, and a length of fabric for myself, and one for sis, if she likes the color. (Alas, no pictures) After a whirlwind shopping spree, we went to the Arboretum. bodice_goddess needed to finish her corset for the Tea and Skate the following day, so we whipped out some binding, and I tried my hand at flossing for the very first time. I bet I can finish flossing the entire corset in pretty short order the next time I go down. Doesn't she look absolutely fabulous?!
We walked around downtown and saw the lights and watched people skating on the outdoor rink - portents of my time on the ice the next day!
bodice_goddess had planned a suprise birthday dinner at a murder mystery dinner theater - so much fun!!!
I crashed out as soon as we got back - she ended up finishing up the grommets while I slept. The next morning we did a final fitting of the bodice and added lace around the cuffs. Next off to the Tea and Skate! We took a quick detour on the way to the airport so I could snap a few pictures of the beach. *sigh* So beautiful! I knew I was on my way back to freezing temperatures.....
My flight was delayed for hours (and hours and hours) because of the thick, freezing fog enveloping SLC. We finally boarded around 11:45 PM LA time. ugh. The fly-over was pretty cool, though. (But not cool enough to warrant getting to bed at 4:30 AM on a work day) So. There you have it! A wonderful whirlwind trip to LA!
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