Here's the first and second front mockups, as well as the back (which I acutally didn't change much at all.) The armpits are *way* too high, but I'll address that when I get to futzing with the shoulder straps. Obviously, the biggest change from the first mockup is to raise the neckline over my stays.
I meant to do the stripeys pointing in the opposite direction, and of course, I didn't notice it until after I had cut it out. (With all the anal retentive stripe matching I did, how did I miss something so obvious?!!)
Opinions? Should I change it? Is it terrible? I'll only have to unpick the side back seams and cut out new fronts, but that still sounds a bit daunting.
I've already decided that if I ever make another en fourreau, I'm going to add a bunch more fullness to be pleated in the back. It looks kind of limp and weak right now, and I actually think it's making it harder having so little to work with. Forgive the pleating in the first picture, it is very slap-dash, and not at all what it actually going to end up being. (I was exhausted and wanted to make sure I had pictures to share today!) The second picture is much closer to what I'm going to be aiming for. Holy crap, trying to get the stripes look OK with the pleating is really making me insane! Hopefully I'll have better luck after a good night's sleep.
I kind of feel like the central (lining) panel is about 1 1/2 to 2" too wide - it didn't feel like it during the mock-up stage, however. Hm. Notes for next time, I guess!
Anyway, this'll be my project fer the weekend! Yay! It's going together so quickly, I actually have a little hope!
Purchase & attach combs in hat
Re-do waistband in petticoat (already torn off, no going back now)
Attach hooks to bustle, petticoat, and skirts
Find stockings
18th c:
Possibly re-do fronts
Handsew pleats
Attack shoulders and sleeves
Make petticoat
Make false bum
Figure out hair