I'm wearing my happy birthday to me dress (on the left), Suzie is in the middle, and Holly is wearing the OMG I can't believe I made that in a weekend dress (on the right). The shirt is old, old, old from her red satin venetian I made a few years ago, but thankfully it matched well enough I didn't have to make a new shirt. I will be posting more piccies in my Gallery shortly, if you wanna peeksee at 'em.
BTW, look at Holly's cool new zebbellini hanging from her belt! (Better pics in the Gallery...)
All jewelry for both of us and the zebeliini were made by the Super Fantastic Holly. (I am so jealous of her little guy...but she's making me one soon, so it's ok.) I'm so glad that we have complimenting artistic inclinations!
There were some shirt-gappage issues due to a missing pearl pin for my shirt, and the fabric is verysheer in the sunlight. I had no idea until after the pictures were taken! Also the lacing is a bit wonky from wearing the dress for a few hours and sloppy lacing on my part. The muff is a 'secret purse' which pattern I will be modifying before Estrella.
Oh yeah, and I am quite pleased with myself. The hems on both of our gowns were done with the sheer power of geometry alone! No trimming, no fitting (other than "ok, yeah it worked!", and it's good that it worked too...'cause I had already cartridge pelated the whole stupid thing), and the bottom edges of both are on the straight grain to get rid of that annoying "sag" bias stretch in front where the bodice dips. You do need math in real life! Who woulda thunk it! My mom would be so proud.
Oh yeah, the other reason I'm so chuffed with me? Those laces on my shirt? Yeah, I made those. The adorable tiny tassels on the ends? Yeah, those too! But I'm weird like that.**
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