I am still wiffling on how to finish the edge. I am slightly leaning towards the solid band.....make it as narrow as possible, and bead gold and pearls at the edge, maybe? I can't face embroidering the band as well right now.
I really need to start working on some of my actual clothing projects soon, not just the accessories. I've washed and dried the linen and the wool for Kao's tunics. I have the black linen thread for the wool tunic, so maybe that will be my next project. I just need to come up with an acceptable pattern.
I am having a serious time coming up with Hospitaller clothing documentation. Everything on the net seems to be based on the same picture in the book I have (the only one I've found so far that touches on Hospitaller clothing), which is a modern artist's interpritation of what they may have worn based on written accounts. I'm not a research-guru, but I like to have some sort of visual basis for what I do. And I have a hard time just making a black tunic, slapping a white cross on it and calling it a Hospitaller's tunic. I'm also kind of weirded out about the whole cloak/hood thing.
Bleah, why couldn't he have chosen something 'easier'??
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