Thursday, December 17, 2009

Laurelling Gown - Jaquelinne Edition!

I am so relieved! The fabric for Jaquelinne's dress arrived today, and it is SO gorgeous!!! Hollyness, when do you think you'll get the spangles? The plan is to do pearl and crystal florets in the centers and spangles on the lace edge and perhaps the crosses - Jaquelinne, is this OK?

I need to purchase another set of 22" stretcher bars for my embroidery frame, and find some awesome cord/ribbon for lacing. I think that's pretty much all that is left to buy. w00t!

My to-do list: (* denotes finished tasks)

*Gather materials
*Draft patterns
*Get measurements
Cut (bodice, skirts, guards, sleeves, petticoat, partlet, shoulder treatments, camacia, drawers, smock)
Construct bodice
Attach rings
Attach guards
Construct skirts
Attach guards
Cartridge pleat and attach skirt
Construct shoulder treatments
Attach shoulder treatments
Construct sleeves
Couch gold on partlet
Bead partlet
Construct partlet
Construct camacia

I think it's time for me to call it a night, since I'm completely tuckered out.