Friday, October 14, 2011

Oh my gaws this dress is Faaaaabulous!

Dress, ca 1867, Kent State
I now know what I am going to do with that million yards of black lace!  (But now to find striped silk satin.... Woe is me!)


  1. Good to see you back on line! That is a gorgeous dress. I can totally see you doing complete justice to it! Welcome back!

  2. has some great silk taffeta stripes, but not so much with the satins. (page 10 of the silk taffeta has some that look to be the right stripe/background size even, but not in black/white). Can't direct link to the product because their site is weird.

  3. I think that is a fabu dress, but I can't help it if the rosettes immediately remind me of dog show win rosettes!  lol  ;)
