(This is the shortest side of the rectangle)
While perusing Attack Laurel's site looking for coif-y information, I happened across *teh cuteste* pincushion on the planet! I decided I *NEED* a similar pincushion, so the coif if resting for a little while. Last night I cut out the pieces and I'm working on the blanket stitch edges. I probably should have figured out the embroidery design before hacking away at the fabric, but oh well. Worst case scenario, it doesn't work, and I go back to my coif.
I have not quite figured out what I'm going to do for the decoration, but it will probably end up having fleurs or something like that. (Since, ya know, I'm fleur-obsessed) She did couching, but I think I'm going to do a double running (?) stitch, or the ever-present chain stitch. I'll probably also put my persona's initials (S.B.) somewhere on there. I guess if I was a good girl, I would go research some Italian motifs, but I'm not gonna. I think this is more of a "just 'cause I wanna" project more than anything else.
I'm using dark green wool felt and goldenrod-colored wool embroidery thread. Next time I see someone spinning I'll try to con them out of some wool for stuffing. Or buy some at Hancock Fabrics.
Oh yeah, did you know that Hancock Fabrics sells little packages of wool?? I think it's for ummm....I can't remember what it's called right now, but you use a stiletto and make sculpted/raised thingabobs? (Yeah, really, I'm awake......)
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