Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Catherine of Cleves Book of Hours (Thank you, dragonfly_sidhe!)

Last week, dragonfly_sidhe came over, and let me paw through all her beautiful books. (Just one more thing to be insanely jealous over her!)

My project for the upcoming Scribal A&S series is going to be the pea pod illumination I've been blathering about lately. (Thanks again to dragonfly_sidhe for taking pictures, and then emailing them to me!!)

Aren't they just the cutest ever, though?! The peas themselves are gold, and the little sticks that they are twined around are painted to look like they're piercing the parchment. Just all 'round coolness. I don't think I'll be doing the miniature, since the overall size is going to be quite small, and I do need to leave room for text. (Since, ya know, people tend to get verbose with their scroll wording. (Also in the same book is some cool examples of multiple point fonts on one page...I want to do that on something someday!)

Also, bonus future project -- a GOAT!! Isn't he the cutest?! 2nd scroll down the line is SO going to have a goat.

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