I have a few goals for this week:
1. Finish cleaning house (after a few weekends of neglect, things are getting a bit.....overwhelming.)
2. (re)Organize sewing room - is in a depserate state indeed
These two goals are in preparation of the following four goals: (Which hopefully will all be complete by mid-Mayish.....hahahaha I'm so funny!)
1. Make hubby outfit for upcoming camping season
He says he wants this:
I'd rather see him in this:
Or better yet, one 'o these:
All I have to do is slap an applique on his wool tunic, and he has his first choice....but he needs a new something-or-other to add to his wardrobe. And I'm not digging the fit of his current tunic. Again, I bemoan my mens garb suckageness.
2. Finish handsewn bodies (seriously, I'm nearly done....I can't believe they've been sitting in this state for so long!) Needs eyelets and binding and straps. All the hard work is done! When we last left this project, all the casings were lovingly hand-sewn.....
3. Make (at least) one camp outfit - TBD. The images below are particularly inspiring to me right now....
4. Start on 18th-ish c tea gown (or rather "gown to make and wear to tea I'm hoping to put together sometime in May-ish").......Akshully, I need to start with figuring out what I want to actually *do*......here are my initial thoughts (mostly because I have the fabric on hand to do either of these!) Still needs much consideration and deliberation before I start.
This is one of those projects that doesn't necessarily *need* to be an 18th c, but I need some sort of reason to make one, and the tea (which I am hoping will actually get off the ground) will be a perfect excuse. If I get buried in other projects, I may fall back on the purple Romantic, since it's only been worn once, and is lonely...
After all that, I need to finish up the red striped dress for Costume College....remember this from last year? The hat is still in itty bitty pieces, the bodice still has no buttons/holes (yes, I am still terrified of buttonholes, since you ask....), and not a single skirt has been completed. Yeah, I need to get cracking on this. Honestly, tho, a couple of weekends, and I could totally knock this one out. All the really hard stuff (read "bodice fitting") is done!
And hopefully a more-different-other tea dress.....some of my initial thoughts: (Again, these in particular have caught my attention because I have been collecting fabrics that would be appropriate for pretty much any of the following)
I have the *perfect* taffeta to do this one. I seriously love it, and if I don't do it for CC, I'll have to find some other venue for it, because it will be made one day....
Stripes! Lots and lots of Stripes! (Yeah, I need to start *using* all the striped fabric I've been hoarding)
Plaids of various styles....I like each of them, for different reasons!
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