The faire closed at 6:30, so we were able to come home and have her try on her dress........It fits!!! I would have cried a very bitter tear if the skirt had not fit. (I've acutally had a couple of nightmares about that....)
But anyway, here it is!
(obviously, she will need to wear a camacia underneath the dress...and sleeves!)
(Yay invisible opening! And it looks like the skirt front is going to stay fairly horizontal as well -- I've been worried about this as well! Oh, and I'm leaving the ribbons extra long until everything is made so we can try it all on and fray-check the heck out of it before I cut it.)
In more different other news, I finished the tucked petticoat! w00t! No more tucks for me, I'm tuckered out! Teehee! Fluffy goodness! (Yeah, it needs to be ironed.!)
While sitting in the booth today, I made a neckline for my chemise. I made an oval, sewed the inside edge, clipped and flipped it over. Then I added crochet scallops to the edge, hoping it looks like crochet lace. I think it's a fairly good approximation, if a bit clumsy....(I'm pretty proud for my first attempt, tho!)
I cut the facing extra wide, so I can change my mind down the road how wide I want it. I think the finished neckband is going to be about 1/3 of this width, mebbe less. Don't quite know yet.
Next up, I need to hem Holly's dress, tack the ties and add the guards, and make the sleeves. (To be finished by Uprising, or else!
On my outfit, next up is the body of the chemise and attach it to the neckband. After that, I'll probably be tackling the corded petticoat. (OMG yay!)
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