My first attempt was to make a simple twisted cord using cream and brown silk thread. I’m not too happy with the bumpy ‘rope’ texture, and will attempt another method to get the smoother look of the original, but I’ll outline what I did here.
First, I anchored pins along the length of my pressing board, and wrapped each color separately to create strands of each color. The cream color is a much thinner thread, and I had about twice as many individual strands as the brown.
For no other reason than it was easier on my hands, I twisted the strands clockwise. In the picture to the right, I had only twisted the brown section. You can see how much slack was taken up by twisting alone. (Tip: twist until kinks start to appear – much of the twist will be taken out in the next step)
The rest is a piece of cake – I let the ends of the two twisted strands go, and they twisted upon themselves to make a ‘rope’.
While the effect is pretty, not quite what I’m going for. My next experiment will be to wrap the two colors on a solid core, hopefully getting a smoother result.
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